
Research for Development Project (PRD)

Integration of biodiversity conservation and local development in the context of protected areas of the PONASI ecological complex, Burkina Faso

Safeguarding project and sustainable enhancement of the “elephant corridor” in the PONASI ecological complex in Burkina Faso (PPI5-FFEM-IUCN)

Safeguarding project and sustainable enhancement of the “elephant corridor” in the PONASI ecological complex in Burkina Faso (PPI5-FFEM-IUCN)

Corridor1 Improvement Project “Elephant Corridor” (NATUDEV-ULBC-WBI)

The association is also active in the development of a development plan for beekeeping to increase the production of honey and the benefits of beekeeping for producers in its area of intervention. The news is also the opening of its marketing platform for non-timber forest products. This unit will boost ...

Community-based conservation area of Sapina village, Po commune

Community-based conservation area of Sapina village, Po commune

Delivery of beekeeping equipment to producers of villages along the corridor1 (Nazinga-PNKT)

Delivery of beekeeping equipment to producers of villages along the corridor1 (Nazinga-PNKT)

Farming Experimenting with the Natural Assisted Regeneration (RNA) Technique

Farming Experimenting with the Natural Assisted Regeneration (RNA) Technique